“We can’t test everyone“

Ullevål HospitalUllevål Hospital.Photo: Isolatavdelingen på Ullevål sykehus: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

Many Norwegians who have asked to be tested for coronavirus have been rejected. With the fear of running out of test equipment, FHI has come up with clear restrictions.

The number of confirmed coronavirus infections in Norway is increasing significantly every day. Norwegians with symptoms such as fever, cough, and influenza visit the emergency room with the hope of getting tested for the virus but many are rejected.

“We can’t test everyone,“ said researcher Petter Elstrøm at the Public Health Institute (FHI) to Aftenposten.

Elstrøm stated that they will primarily test those who have been to risk areas and show symptoms of respiratory tract infection, health professionals who have been to risk areas, and patients who have been admitted with respiratory symptoms.

The purpose of testing is to be able to confirm cases of the virus as early as possible so that one can limit the spread of infection. Testing of healthy persons returning to Norway from countries not affected by the virus is not recommended.

Spokesperson for Health Policy, Kjersti Toppe, has stated that there will be too few laboratory diagnostic equipment and asked people to respect that testing is prioritized for people who may be at risk of infection.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

3 Comments on "“We can’t test everyone“"

  1. no antibacterial items available in pharmacy, this is a joke,

  2. Ma Elena Luzon | 12. March 2020 at 19:19 | Reply

    I think if all people is asked to stay at home for 14 days. And those who will get sick will call the hosp. Then all the sick can be identified. Since Norway is now closed.

  3. This is not an excuse. Helsedirektoratet should be questioned about this. WHole world was preparing for emergency after it broke out in China and our helsedirektoratet must be taking coffee 8 times a day.

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