Woman filmed while kicking a 12-years-old boy

Police at work.Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix

Woman filmed while kicking a 12-years-old boy

A woman in her fifties is charged with violence against a 12-year-old boy in Larvik. According to police, the woman filmed herself while she kicked and beat him.

The incident occurred at around 8 pm on Tuesday evening, after the 12-years-old had commented on the costume she wore at a family event in Larvik, writes Østlands-Posten.

The boy got kicked and beat-up, but suffered no serious injuries

The police are now reviewing the woman’s video of the violence, which took place during the popular event «Night-town» (Nattbyen).

the woman filmed herself while posing and commenting on camera outside a mall in the city centre, according to the newspaper. After a few minutes, she supposedly exclaimed «You don’t address an old crone in that manner!», before chasing after the boy.

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Resisted arrest

Passersby filmed the arrest of the woman. The footage reveals that she opposed arrest when the police attempted to get her into the police car.

The boy’s parents tell Østlands-Postens that he was kicked in his stomach several times and that he experienced the incident as frightening.

“He just commented that she wasn’t pretty. No more,” his mother explains.

The woman was placed in the arrest in Tønsberg. She has not yet been questioned, though.

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