A total of 17 schools in Rogaland could try out to see whether removing behavioural grades will contribute to better conditions in the schools.
Six of the schools have already participated in the pilot scheme for some years, while another eleven have applied to participate wrote Stavanger Aftenblad newspaper.
The trial project will see if the scheme can help improve the pupils’ social learning and development.
“It is now only Norway and Russia in Europe that have such a system of order and behavioural grades, and that can only worsen” said Rector Sigurd Svela at Sola High School.
The learning environment center at the University of Stavanger has been involved in the trial since its inception, and they came in the autumn of 2017 with an evaluation report showing that the students are positive about the experiment while the teachers are more negative.
‘’Some of the teachers are, of course, concerned that the possibility of sanctions is removed, but we believe that good conversation and the good
relationship is what makes one succeed best’’ said Rector, Mats Bryne, at St. Olav High School.
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