Over 17,000 applicants have gotten into videregående skole(similar to junior college or sixth forms of comprehensive school, a kind of upper secondary education) in Oslo after the results that decide which schools the different applicants will be allocated to were made public on Tuesday. Only 192 children have not yet been placed.
At this point there are spaces available for 17 027 of those who apppled to study at the videregående schools in Oslo , while last year there were spaces available for 16 518 applicants. Most of the applicants are from Oslo, and about 16,500 of these young people have a statutory right to study at videregående.
192 applicants have so far not been allocated a place at school, whether at the first year, second year or third. This is a decrease from last year, when there 271 applicants who did not get into any of the schools they applied for. It will be distributed more student places in other intake lap around August 15. More spaces will be made available in the next round of the process, around 15 august.
Elvebakken videregående has the strictest requirements, 53.40 points, for being accepted as their student, while Hellerud videregående has the least strict at 29.0 points.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today