70% of Norwegian students say they can’t study without having a part-time job according to a recent survey. That is a far higher percentage than the rest of Europe.
At the same time, Statistics Norway (SSB) showed that part-time jobs are at the expense of the studies for every fifth Norwegian student according to Dagsavisen newspaper.
“The wallet can be crucial to whether you succeed and how good your results are, more-so than your abilities and aspirations,” said the Norwegian Student Organization (NSO) representative,Håkon Randgaard Mikalsen, to the newspaper.
The European survey “Eurostudent VI 2018” showed that student loans and part-time jobs are far more common in the Nordic countries than in the rest of Europe. Norwegians are more dependent on part-time jobs than students in Sweden and Denmark.
“This is not a crisis maximization, but a reality orientation.Study support does not apply. Self-income and family contributions are more important than ever before. Only one third of the students have a living that comes from study support,’’ said the NSO leader.
According to the student survey, the average family contribution amounts to 14% of the Norwegian students income wrote Dagsavisen.That is far less than in many other European countries.
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