Of the 22 million pupils in the European Union (EU) studying at upper secondary level in 2015, more than 10 million (or 47%) were enrolled in vocational education. In thirteen EU Member States, more than half of all upper secondary pupils studied vocational programmes.
Vocational education at upper secondary level was somewhat dominated by males, who accounted for 56% of pupils studying this type of programme. This pattern can be observed in almost all Member States.
Highest share of upper secondary pupils enrolled in vocational education in the Czech Republic
In 2015, the highest proportion of pupils at upper secondary level enrolled in vocational education was registered in the Czech Republic (73%), ahead of Finland (71%), Croatia and Austria (both 70%), Slovakia and the Netherlands (both 69%) and Slovenia (68%).
At the opposite end of the scale, shares of less than a third were recorded in Malta (13%), Cyprus (16%), Hungary (23%), Lithuania (27%) and Greece (32% in 2014).
This news item marks the European Vocational Skills week (20-24 November).
Source: ec.europa.eu / Norway Today
Would be great to see more diversity in education. There are so many great teachers and opportunities but everything tries to get boxed into a rigid framework or what is expected or perceived as the norm.