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Around 14,000 students in Norway are on a waiting list for student accommodation

Photo: Jon Olav Nesvold / NTB

A total of 14,205 students are on a waiting list for student accommodation, a survey from the Student Welfare Organization shows.

This is a decrease from pre-pandemic levels, when there were more than 17,000 students on the waiting list from time to time, the Student Welfare Organization wrote in a press release.

Much of the decrease is due to the fact that the Student Welfare Organization in Gjøvik, Ålesund, and Trondheim no longer has waiting lists. The longest waiting list is unsurprisingly at the Student Welfare Organization in Oslo, where a total of 6,431 people are waiting for student accommodation.

There are also more than 1,000 students in the queue at the Student Welfare Organization in Western Norway (2,680) and Norway’s Arctic Student Welfare Organization (1,965). 

According to the press release, 16,322 students have received a contract for new student accommodation.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayEducation

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1 Comment on "Around 14,000 students in Norway are on a waiting list for student accommodation"

  1. Hi, I am an international student, got admission in University of Stavanger. I would like to drive your kind attention towards the reason of precarious housing situation in Stavanger. Majority of international students are facing accommodation issues. I did some research and found out that the senior/ex-students are not vacating the apartments and have been living in the student housing for more than 5 years even after their study duration is completed and that being the major reason newcomers are not getting any accomodation. As mentioned on the sis housing, first year students are prioritized while allocating housing but we do not see this in practice. It is very difficult for international students to find a place in a private marketplace from our home country.
    Moreover, some of us are coming with our families and we find it very hard and unsafe to arrange a place on our own.
    I think it is very necessary that the housing organizations take this matter seriously and find a solution of this problem. I fear if this situation persists in coming years and senior students do not vacate space for incoming students the situation will only worsen. I hope the responsible authorities look into it and find a suitable solution.

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