One in six students admits to exam cheating

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In a survey done by Sentio for the Norwegian Student Organization (NSO) and Universitas, one in six students said that they have cheated
on exams at least once.

Nine years ago, Universitas asked the same question, and then only five percent answered that they had cheated on an exam.

Despite the increase, Arve Østgård in Sentio believes that there are more cheats than those who had answered ‘yes’ in the survey.

‘’It is easier to answer “never” than to admit that you have been cheating. Probably there is murkiness here’’ said Østgård.

During the academic year 2017/2018, 29 students at Oslo Met were caught cheating.

The number has been stable in recent years.

Here, the most common form is that plagiarism is uncovered, but also the use of aids that are not allowed.

At the University of Oslo (UiO), the number is twice as high. In 2018, 64 cases of cheating were reported. A total of 56 of these were discovered using the URKUND tool, a program that automatically checks submitted texts for plagiarism.

“Cut-and-paste” is the dominant cheating method. Texts are retrieved from various websites, but also articles and texts are obtained from printed media.

UiO has three types of reactions to cheating: cancellation of the exam, or exclusion for one or two semesters said Sivertsen.

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