Opens for coding as electives
From the autumn, all secondary schools can offer students programming – or coding – as electives.
The Government started the experiment in the autumn of 2016. Interest was great, and many municipalities wanted to join. Therefore, the Government now opens that all municipalities are allowed to offer programming as elective subjects during the trial period.
Programming is an important skill
– Programming is an increasingly important skill, and we are currently making arrangements for even more people can learn to code already in middle school. The aim of the experiment is to find out about programming as electives can help increase students’ interest in engineering and science, says Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (Conservatives).
The experiment with programming as electives lasts for three years until 2018/2019. Currently, there are 155 schools in 55 municipalities participating. Some of these municipalities also receive financial support.
No financial support
Schools that so wish, can offer elective programming from the start of the school year in the autumn of 2017, but they will not be part of the experiment or get financial support for this.
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