Promises NOK 450 million towards tech school bag

Student tech school bagStudent. Photo:

Promises NOK 450 million towards tech school bag

The Government announces spending NOK 450 million over the next five years for measures to increase the interest in science among the youngest students in the revised state budget.


The funds will be channeled through the technological school bag, according to the budget leak the Newspapers Agency (ANB) writes on Monday. The Government’s proposal for the revised National budget for 2018 will be presented on May 15th.

More than half of the NOK 90 million to be distributed annually will be earmarked for the development of digital learning material. Additionally the money will be spent on equipment in the municipalities and Counties that prioritize additional education and increasd competence in programming, knowledge centres and ICT measures in the basic education.

– Children and youngsters who are in school today should not only be able to handle technology and other aids. They are to develop, lead and drive technology onwards. We must therefore equip schools to be of assistance for these students, says Minister for Knowledge, Jan Tore Sanner (Conservatives) to ANB.

Majority secured

The Christian Democrats (KrF) agrees to the digital initiative, thereby securing the three Government parties a majority in the Norwegian Parliament.

A much needed and definitevely necessary initiative, ICT-Norway (IKT-Norge) believes.

– We assume that this will provide teachers with digital pedagogical competence, and that we now use the existing marketplace to buy digital equipment instead of traditional books, says CEO of ICT-Norway, Heidi Austlid.


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