Before Christmas, Norway’s nursing students had a national partial exam in “Anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry.” Now, it turns out that a record number of students failed the exam.
The e-newspaper Khrono at Oslo Met received figures from six out of twelve institutions. These six institutions account for about 60% of the students who have taken the exam.
The figures so far show an average failure rate of 29%, which is an increase of 9.3% compared with the results a year ago.
At UiT – Norway’s Arctic University – the failure rate is as high as 33%. At Høgskulen på Vestlandet, it is 29%.
For five out of six institutions, the failure rate increased – for some, by 10% or more.
After the exam was completed, several students responded that it was difficult, that they had not been prepared for the type of question they were given, and that they had a very bad time.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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School is far too “easy” in Norway. There is no concept of failing a test or exam until you get into university.
So, pupils are not used get properly evaluated, or even stimulated to acknowledge their mistakes, correct them and get better. Then i guess, it will be really hard to handle that situation that later when they are get into university. This is true for the ones who get there, maybe because they are very self determined or have parents to properly guide them, otherwise it feels like the system is made to keep students “happy” but not necessarily acquire knowledge. Quite hard to understand.
From my perspective this will lead to a loss of critical and qualified people on a mid long term in Norway.