Students who were to take their exams at Haugeåsen youth school in Fredrikstad were sent home Wednesday because the air conditioner could not cope with the heat.
“It became very hot and difficult to think and focus. There were some windows that were opened in the room next door, but it did not help very much,” says Oda Marie Veum, who is in the 10th grade at the secondary school, to NRK.
She and all the other pupils at the secondary school were sent home after it became too hot and air quality poor inside the classrooms and the gymnasium where the examinations were taking place.
– “It is 30 degrees on the premises, and we therefore decided to send the students home and postpone the exams in consultation with the Directorate for Education. We have bought fans and opened all the windows, but with almost 60 people in the room, that did not work,” says Rector Mona Häckert to NRK.
Wednesday has been very hot all over southern Norway, and on Wednesday afternoon, Bergen set new heat record for May by 30.05 degrees. That is only 1.3 degrees below the highest temperature ever measured in the city.
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