Women in majority in Norwegian language and civic studies

Women in blackbirds in Norwegian language and civic studiesClassrooms

A total of 39 500 participants were registered in Norwegian language and civic studies for adult immigrants in 2014, which is 800 more than the previous year.

Women made up 54 per cent of all participants in Norwegian language and civic studies in 2014. Thirty-nine per cent of all participants were under 26 years of age. Participants aged 26-35 years and 36-45 years accounted for 40 and 16 per cent respectively.

Most participants from Eritrea and Somalia
A total of 6 100 participants in Norwegian language and civic studies in 2014 had Eritrea as their country background and 5 700 participants were from Somalia. Participants form Eritrea and Somalia together made up 32 per cent of all participants in Norwegian and civic studies in 2014.

Ninety-one per cent of participants from Eritrea or Somalia had lived in Norway for three years or less in 2014. Eighty-six per cent of participants from Eritrea or Somalia were registered as refugees, and 14 per cent were registered as family immigrants.

Refugees made up 47 per cent
Forty-seven per cent of all participants in Norwegian language and civic studies for adult immigrants were registered as refugees, while 38 per cent were family immigrants. Participants who were registered with labour or education as the reason for immigration made up 6 per cent of participants.

Sixty-two per cent of men had refugee status, while 19 per cent had family as their reason for immigration. Thirty-five per cent of women were registered as refugees and 55 per cent had family as their reason for immigration.

Seven out of ten passed Norwegian language test
In total, 24 100 persons sat the Norwegian language tests Norskprøve 2 and Norskprøve 3 in 2013. Of these, 16 900 or 70 per cent passed the test. Female immigrants’ test results were better than their male counterparts. Seventy-to per cent of all women passed the Norwegian language test, while men who passed the test accounted for 67 per cent of all men.

The results for both Norskprøve 2 and Norskprøve 3 were better for women than for men, but the largest gender disparity was in the written tests. Sixty-four per cent of women passed written Norskprøve 2 and 53 per cent passed written Norskprøve 3, which was 9 and 8 percentage points higher than men respectively.


Source: SSB / Norway Today

1 Comment on "Women in majority in Norwegian language and civic studies"

  1. Joakim Haugen | 7. April 2019 at 15:35 |

    Sadly civic studies are misused by the far left these days teaching mostly pseudoscience like white privilege, gender wage gap and more. People here are learned that Sylvi Listhaug and Anders Brevik have the same ideology..

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