300,000 Norwegians have downloaded the app “Donor Card” to their mobile, and with that said yes to organ donation.
If you want to register as an organ donor you can also have a card in your wallet or fill in information in your own core journal.
A survey from 2018 shows that about half of those who are positive about donating their organs still haven’t done anything about it, either in writing or orally, according to the Organdonation Foundation. This they hope, the app and the digital donor card will help people do something about registering.
“We see that app downloaders often do more things. Of those who have filled in the app, 47 percent respond that they also have the donor card in the wallet, and 36 percent in the core journal,” says Aleksander Sekowski, information manager at the Organdonasjon Foundation.
“With the app and the core journal solution you have the opportunity to send a message to two of their closest, and in this way inform them that you have said yes,” he adds.
The Donor Card app was launched in 2011. It was developed for iPhone, Android and Windows Phone.
During autumn 2019, the Organ Donation Foundation will launch a new and updated version for iPhone and Android respectively.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today