Six out of ten parents report in a new survey that they have checked their children’s mobile phones without the kids knowing it.
The findings in the survey show that 59% of the parents have repeatedly checked their children’s mobile, tablet or PC without asking for permission.55% believe they have the right and duty to do so.
“Parents are responsible for protecting our children, including online and on mobile phones.But we also have a responsibility to respect the children’s right to privacy and freedom of speech,”said the head of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability in Telenor Norway, Ana Brodtkorb.
Right to privacy
She understands the parents’ concerns,but said that permission, trust and time are a better recipe than sneak peeking.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child stated that children are entitled to privacy and should not be subjected to arbitrary or illegal involvement in their privacy. The Children’s Act also states that parents have the right and duty to make decisions for their children.
Scientist for Growth and Inclusion in UNICEF,Kristin Oudmayer, warned that too much and unjustified checking may go beyond trust between parents and children.
“Children must have the opportunity to be children,and to talk to friends about things they are concerned with, without fearing that their parents are angry. Then we risk building poorer and less trustworthy relationships between children and parents,” said Oudmayer,who emphasised the importance of parents and other adults participating in children’s digital life.
Telenor, together with the Digital Parental School,completed the survey conducted by Penetrace.
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