The centre working with workplace crime in Oslo said it had uncovered eleven criminal networks operating in the capital.
In 2015, the so-called ‘A-senteret’ had four to five networks on their list. Last year, that number had risen to eleven, wrote Dagbladet newspaper.
‘We give a small pat on the back to ourselves that we have become better, and more systematic in detecting this type of crime.
That has more to do with it than that the extent of workplace crime has necessarily increased’, said Bjorn Marhaug, who is section head of Skatt Øst, and the coordinator for the A-krimsenteret.
Employment crime has been most prevalent in the construction and cleaning industries, but the criminals are poised to move into new areas.
When Marhaug and his people crack down on illegal practices in one industry, the network continues onward to areas with fewer obstacles and greater opportunity for financial gain.
The centre has recently discovered several criminal practices occurring in healthcare. Also, criminals have entered the child welfare system, but Marhaug doesn’t want to go into detail about his suspicions.
‘We’ve seen three to four cases, but it is too early to say anything about the total scope of these activities. Those we responded to were former criminal elements from the construction industry’, he explained.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today