A total of 50 500 persons with non-Nordic citizenship immigrated to Norway in 2016.
Immigration due to refuge showed the highest increase, while labour immigration showed the highest decrease. Family immigration was the most common reason for immigration in 2016.
The annual immigration flows have varied over time. Almost 789 000 persons with non-Nordic citizenship immigrated to Norway between 1990 and 2016.
There were some marked fluctuations during the period, mainly due to increased numbers of refugees caused by war and conflicts in different corners of the world.
In 2005, there were more labour immigrants than refugees for the first time. 2006 was a crossing point, with labour immigration and family immigration at about the same level. After 2006, labour immigration dominated the migration picture until last year.
The large influx of refugees into Europe in the autumn of 2015 brought many refugees from Syria to Norway.
More refugees came to Norway in 2016 than labour immigrants. Family immigration has remained stable over the last three years, with around 16 500 immigrations yearly.
Labour immigration continues to fall
In 2016, labour immigration decreased by about 21 per cent from 2015. A total of 14 400 persons from non-Nordic countries immigrated for work in 2015.
Labour immigrants from Poland made up the largest group in 2016, with 4 100 persons, a decrease of 1 100 from the previous year.
Seven out of 10 who immigrated for labour are still in Norway
Not everyone who immigrates to Norway stays here for the rest of their life.
The reason for immigration has a bearing on whether they leave the country.
Of those who immigrated for education, only 38 per cent still lived here on 1 January 2017. The corresponding percentage for those who immigrated for labour was 70 per cent.
Source: SSB / Norway Today