The Fagforbundet union is giving 6.5 million kroner in election campaign support to the Labor Party

Mette Nord - FagforbundetPhoto: Vidar Ruud / NTB

The Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees (Fagforbundet), which is the largest union in LO, will provide millions of kroner in campaign support to the three red-green parties.

The red-green parties will receive a total of NOK 11.2 million for this year’s election campaign from the Fagforbundet. AP will receive NOK 6.5 million. Of these, one million kroner is an annual operating grant, and the rest is allocated for the election campaign, figures from show.

This is the same contribution that the party received in the previous elections, newspaper Dagens Næringsliv (DN) reports.

In addition, AUF receives NOK 75,000 in election campaign support. The union told DN that the grants were ready at the end of last week.

In this year’s election campaign, Fagforbundet increased its support to the red-green junior parties, the Center Party (SP) and the Socialist Left Party (SV). They will receive NOK 2.35 million each.

Just like the AP, the SP and the SV will receive NOK 1 million in annual operating support. In addition, they will receive NOK 1.35 million for the election campaign. That is NOK 100,000 more than in the elections in 2019 and 2017.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayFinance

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