A 29-year-old man who set fire to Dombås church and tried to set Sel church on fire last year has been sentenced to four years and two months in prison.
The verdict from Nord-Gudbrandsdal District Court is thus somewhat milder than what the prosecutor, police attorney Lars Rune Ringvik, asked for – five years in prison, newspaper Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen reports.
The damage to Dombås church is estimated at around NOK 20 million.
The man has admitted that he lit a fire at Dombås church on the night of February 20 last year. About a month later, he tried to set fire to Sel Church.
A security guard discovered the fire and it was extinguished before the church suffered significant damage.
The 29-year-old is originally from Somalia but has a residence permit in Norway after coming to the country in 2015.
The man has explained that he set fire to the churches in anger that no one had been punished for burning the Koran in Kristiansand in November 2019.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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