44-year-old man sentenced to 21 years in prison for double murder in Stavanger

Photo: Carina Johansen / NTB

A 44-year-old man has been sentenced to 21 years in prison for the double murder that took place at Storhaug in Stavanger in June 2020, the newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad reports.

The verdict is identical to the verdict in Sør-Rogaland District Court from October last year, the newspaper writes.

The man has been convicted of killing his ex-wife and her new boyfriend with a knife at Storhaug in Stavanger in June 2020. He confessed to the killings after being arrested but withdrew the confession before the trial in the district court. He denied criminal guilt in both trials.

During the appeal proceedings in the Court of Appeal, the 44-year-old explained that he acted in self-defense when he killed his ex-wife and her new boyfriend, the newspaper Aftenbladet writes.

Source : © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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