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Arbeiderpartiet (Ap) will lose NOK 11.5 million of its revenues next year

Labor Party leader Jonas Gahr StøreLabor Party leader Jonas Gahr Støre.Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

Ap ( Labor Party) have to cut NOK 11.5 million from their budget in the year following their election defeat.


According to Klassekampen newspaper’s calculations, the grant given to the parliamentary secretariat, which operates a large advisory body, and other activities in parliament, will be reduced by NOK 4.6 million.

From the party finances at Youngstorget, NOK 6.9 million will disappear from the state aid budget, wrote the newspaper.

‘We’ll start with the budget work now. We must be thrifty with our use of resources and activity. The focus is to keep up the activity that’s necessary for policy and organisation work,’ said Party Secretary, Kjersti Stenseng.

The Senterparti (Sp) will strengthen its party, and parliamentary fund, by a total of NOK 20.7 million, while Rødt (R) will receive NOK 12.8 million.

© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today