Denmark sounds the alarm due to gas supply crisis 

Photo: AP Photo / Michael Sohn, File

The Danish Energy Directorate sounds the alarm due to the gas supply crisis in the wake of Russia’s reduced gas supply.

The players in the Danish gas market must prepare for a real supply crisis, the Danish Energy Agency warned on Tuesday.

The Directorate has chosen to tighten gas preparedness levels due to the growing uncertainty related to gas deliveries from Russia. Russia has reduced deliveries to Germany by 60%.

“We are in a serious situation, and it has worsened with the reduced deliveries from Russia to the European gas market,” Deputy Director Martin Hansen at the Danish Energy Agency stated.

“We follow developments in the gas markets closely. We still get gas in Denmark and have plans to secure consumers. Fortunately, we are well equipped in Denmark because we have a lot of green energy,” he said.

The gas reserves in Denmark currently have a filling rate of 75%. From November, they should be at 80% in order to meet the EU’s target.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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