On Monday night, a dog owner found grilled sausages full of broken glass along a pedestrian area in Alta.
“This was close to the pedestrian path that goes past the kindergarten and school at Aronnes. Fortunately, I was able to stop my dog from eating the sausage, and there were only a few small cuts in the corner of its mouth and oral cavity,” Chris Rene Joks told the newspaper Altaposten.
The dog owner warned others who walk along the stretch via the Facebook group “Oppslagstalva in Alta.” Joks believes a person put the sausages there deliberately.
“Pieces of glass were pushed into the sausage. In the worst case, this could mean the death of a dog,” he told the newspaper.
The police in Finnmark say they have been notified that someone put pieces of sausage with glass inside them on the walking and cycling path at Arrones.
“A passer-by has picked up the pieces he found in the area. The police have been on-site to investigate the case,” they wrote on Twitter.
Source : © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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