The Støre government received a lot of criticism in recent weeks for lack of transparency about the justification for corona measures. Now the government is apologizing.
Throughout the pandemic, lawyers have pointed to what they believe is a lack of transparency from government teams regarding the reasons for having the intrusive infection control measures in place.
Now the government is changing course and explaining the reasoning behind the measures.
“We should have done that all the time. Due to great work pressure, it has not been possible to follow up on this before, neither for the Solberg government, nor for this government,” Minister of Health Ingvild Kjerkol (AP) told the newspaper Dagbladet.
Previous government
The previous government began laying out the reasoning behind the measures from January 21, 2021 and kept doing so until April 28 last year.
The reasoning that the Støre government is now making public only goes back to the relief made on January 14. It does not include the December tightening of measures.
Kjerkol stated that infection increased shortly after the government took office, which led to the introduction of moderate measures. Therefore, the publication of the reasoning was not on their radar at the time.
“And we just have to apologize,” she added.
Source : © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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