Minister for Climate and Environment, Vidar Helgesen, (Conservatives) is to preside over a major UN meeting on plastics and other pollutants of the oceans. The conference will take place in New York in June.
At the meeting, many countries will gather to discuss measures to reduce garbage disposal.
On Wednesday, the topic was discussed at the EU Environmental meeting in Malta, where Helgesen participated.
– Pollution by plastics is one of today’s biggest environmental problems. I today urged the EU to take global leadership in the fight against plastic waste in the ocean, he said.
– I have urged the EU to come to the UN conference with concrete measures to join the international fight against pollution of the seas. I hope they will join in the crusade, the Minister for Climate and Environment said.
The EU Commission is working on its own strategy against marine waste, which is to be presented later this year.
In Valletta, many Ministers have been concerned with the problem of micro-plastics, i.e. tiny pieces of plastic originating from carpets, artificial turf, textiles, paint and cosmetics.
Many have pointed to solutions such as better landfill treatment, reduction in the use of plastic grocery bags and better waste handling by the fishing fleets.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today