Iceland reintroduces corona restrictions

IcelandPhoto: Jon Flobrant / Unsplash

Iceland is reintroducing corona measures – it will now once again be mandatory to use face masks if people can not keep at least 1.5 meters of distance from others, Icelandic authorities say.

The new measures apply from Saturday, the Icelandic government announced on Friday.

Like many other countries, Iceland is also faced with a new wave of corona infection, and the authorities are therefore reintroducing several measures.

In addition to the requirement for face masks, events with more than 500 people will no longer be allowed from Wednesday. Restaurants that serve alcohol must close at 11 PM from next week, two hours earlier than today.

According to the plan, the new measures will last for four weeks but can be changed if required due to the infection situation.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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