Increase in youngsters with depressive symptoms in Vestfold

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Young people in Vestfold who report depressive symptoms increased by 45%

Young people in Vestfold who report having depressive symptoms have increased from 13 to 19 per cent since 2013. The increase is steeper than in the rest of the country.

16 per cent of pupils in junior school and 22 per cent of pupils in upper secondary school state to have depressive symptoms, according to the youth survey for 2017, writes the media house NRK.

– The overall trend is that the young people in Vestfold are happy with their parents, school and have a good self-image.

– But more than before there are mental ailments, says councilor for the Vestfold county, Rune Kippersund, to the canal.

It is particularly the girls who report that they feel depressed, virtually one third in high school

In secondary school, 23 percent of the girls say that they have depressive tendencies, compared to 8 percent of the boys.

Among the girls in high school, the figure is 32 percent, while the number of boys in the same age group is 11 percent.

The survey has been carried out among 10,000 students in the secondary school and at the upper secondary level by the Norwegian Research Institute for Well-being, NOVA, in collaboration with the Swedish Center for Disability Studies.


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