Isaksen out against Oslo City Council’s Nursery policy
Minister of Knowledge, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H), believes the red-green Oslo city council is conducting a campaign against private kindergartens after refusing subsidies to Nursery.
Oslo municipality will refuse to support private kindergartens because they want to meet the need themselves. To Nettavisen, Isaksen calls this bad policy.
– If you are constantly making it difficult to operate a private kindergarten, then the question is how long the private will endure, he warns.
In December last year, two private Espira kindergartens sought funding that the municipality declined.
Decline in public kindergartens
– As long as the municipality provides the kindergarten places, I can not, as a Government minister, intervene if they are building on their own. I can, however, have a very strong political opinion that it is bad politics as it means kindergartens that are planned will not be started, the Minister says.
At the same time, figures from Statistics Norway (SSB) showed that at the end of May, since the current Government came to power in 2013, the number of children in public kindergartens has decreased by 6.775, according to Klassekampen. This is the first time a clear reduction has been recorded in the number of children in public day care centers.
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