Kristelig Folkeparti (KrF) have submitted a proposal to the Oslo City Council in which they propose renting out as many as possible of the municipalities cars when they are not in use.
Essentially it will apply in the evenings and weekends wrote Dagsavisen newspaper.
‘’Around the district administrations in the city, 20-30 cars can stand idle on weekends and in the evening.
That is a lot of cars. We must think a little creatively’’ said Espen Andreas Hasle, who is the county leader of the party and KrF’s first candidate for the city council.
He has submitted the proposal together with KrF leader, Erik Lunde.
Inspired by Halden
Hasle thinks the plan contributes to the ‘green shift’ in Oslo by allowing more people to drop using their cars themselves.
‘’It is good for the environment, for the inhabitants, and for the municipality’’ he believes.
The idea comes from Halden where they have had a similar project since January.
“This is an interesting proposal that we are already considering” said Arild Hermstad of Miljøpartiet De Grønne (MDG) to Dagsavisen.
At the proposal of Andreas Halse of Arbeiderpartiet (Ap), a similar decision was made in 2018.
“The City Council was asked whether several companies in the municipality could use shared cars themselves, and if the municipality’s car park can be made available for car sharing” the city council decided on June 20 last year.
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