Last year, Norway registered its worst fruit year since 2015

Photo: Liana Mikah / Unsplash

Norwegian fruit production faced poor conditions last year. Production fell by 29% – the lowest since 2015.

The reason? Poor conditions for apples and plums, which make up the majority of the crops, according to Statistics Norway (SSB).

Last year, the fruit yield was 13,919 tonnes, a decrease of 5,597 tonnes from the previous year. That is the lowest figure since 2015 when the crop amounted to 12,878 tonnes.

Fewer berries were also harvested – just under 10,000 tonnes, a decrease of 20% from the previous year. 

Strawberries, which account for about 70% of berry production, had a decline of 24%.

Things were somewhat better for growing vegetables in the open air and greenhouses – production increased from 191,367 to 205,013 tonnes.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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