The number of rape reports in Denmark has risen markedly since a new consent law came into force in January, according to figures from the police that the newspaper Politiken has obtained.
In 2021, by December 6, there had been 1,973 reports. In the three previous years, the total number per year was around 1,400.
Analyst Jonas Mannov at the Crime Prevention Council believes the new law and the debate around it have led to the change.
“And that is positive because it means that more abuses are reported,” Mannov told Politiken.
The police say they have not analyzed the figures, but also referred to the change in the law on rape.
Violence and threats
The change in the law means that now it is a criminal offense in Denmark to have sexual intercourse with someone who has not given consent. Previously, the decisive factor was whether the victim was exposed to violence, threats, or exploited in a helpless state.
More reports do not automatically mean that more people will be convicted of rape.
More charges
But the number of rape charges has also risen in 2021. Until the last half of November, 1,315 charges had been filed.
Minister of Justice Nick Hækkerup believes it is startling that the number of reports and charges has risen less than a year after the change in the law came into force.
“It indicates that the new law, and as a consequence an increased focus on rape, has helped to bring the cases to light,” he stated.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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