Muslim leaders in Oslo encourage congregation members to get vaccinated

Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

Nine imams and leading figures in Muslim congregations in Oslo issued a joint vaccination call. They also ask people to follow the corona rules during Ramadan.

The representatives of the Muslim congregations represent different environments, including Pakistani, Bosnian, Albanian, Kurdish, Moroccan, and Arabic-speaking communities. 

They told the newspaper Aftenposten that they encourage everyone to take the corona vaccine.

They also asked Oslo’s Muslims to limit contact with their immediate family during Ramadan and the upcoming Eid celebration.

The imams and congregation leaders told Aftenposten that they had used every opportunity to encourage people in their congregations to follow the infection control rules – in the mosque, through information campaigns, on social media, or through direct conversation with people.

“We also try to be good examples by following the infection control rules ourselves,” Basim Ghozlan from the Rabita mosque said.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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