Muslim organizations in Norway: Vaccination does not break the fast

VaccinationPhoto: AP Photo / David J. Phillip

According to the Muslim Dialogue Network and the Islamic Council of Norway, Muslims can safely take the corona vaccine without breaking the fast during Ramadan.

Together, the two organizations represent a majority of the mosques in Norway. Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) reports that the mosques have recently received several questions about this in the run-up to Ramadan, which starts on Tuesday, April 13.

The vaccine has no nutritional value and is put into muscles, and thus can not be seen as food or drink, the organizations state.

“There are more people than I thought who share the misconception that you can not take vaccines while fasting. I also thought that one could not take anything into your body while fasting,” corona coordinator Arshad Jamil in the Muslim Dialogue Network noted.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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