No more free beds at Stavanger University Hospital and Gjøvik Hospital: “The hospital is full”

Stavanger University HospitalPhoto: Carina Johansen / NTB

Stavanger University Hospital (SUS) has sent out a notification to municipalities and emergency rooms informing them to carefully assess all admissions, as the beds at the hospital are full.

“This was a necessary step,” director Eldar Søreide at Helse Stavanger HF told the newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad.

In the letter he sent out, Søreide writes that the corona situation, the RS virus, and the otherwise large number of patients make the situation difficult at the hospital, which is already under pressure due to a large number of employees on sick leave.

He asked that all admissions be considered extra carefully the rest of the week and through the weekend, according to the newspaper.

At other hospitals, too, capacity is under pressure. Gjøvik Hospital reports similar problems, the newspaper Oppland Arbeiderblad writes.

“The hospital is full, and it’s not just patients with coronavirus,” press officer Line Fuglehaug at Innlandet Gjøvik Hospital told the newspaper.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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