Norway has recommended cutting electric car benefits and instead increase the taxes on petrol and diesel cars according to a report presented on Tuesday.
In a report by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ research center, Nordregio, which has put together twelve researchers to make up the status of the Nordic climate policy, clear advice is given to Norwegian politicians wrote VG newspaper.
Norway was recommended, among other things, to reduce electric car subsidies and increase the taxes on cars that pollute.
‘’If the goal is to reduce climate emissions, it is most effective to correct the measures and fees towards the cars that contribute with the largest emissions’’ said Postdoctoral researcher, Katinka Holtsmark at the Department of Economics at the University of Oslo to VG.
She further said that less electric car support and more expensive fossil fuel driven cars could cause people to choose other solutions, such as public transport.
The researchers behind the report also refute the claims that Norwegian oil production will be replaced by oil production from other countries if Norway cuts its production.
Holtsmark said that if Norway wants to increase its ambitions in climate policy, oil production must be cut. It will not improve the Norwegian climate accounts, but it will cut global emissions according to the postdoctoral researcher.
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