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Norway wants to become the world’s most sustainable data center nation

Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

On Wednesday, the Norwegian government presented an updated data center strategy entitled “Norwegian data centers – sustainable, digital power centers.” 

“Norway has a unique foundation for becoming the world’s most attractive data center nation. We have a surplus of renewable energy, low electricity prices, good digital infrastructure, and a cool climate. The government is now strengthening its commitment to a sustainable data center industry. This will create many new jobs in the regions and help develop new digital services throughout the country,” Minister of Regional Development and Digitalization Linda Hofstad Helleland noted on Wednesday.

The strategy, which launches a number of measures to contribute to sustainable growth and job creation in Norway, is part of the government’s commitment to digitalization and the data-driven economy.

“Data centers are important building blocks of our digital infrastructure. Without the data center industry, important areas of society within the health, energy, and transport sectors would stop functioning. During the pandemic, the need for computing power has been enormous. Norway has an important role to play in further developing this industry,” Helleland said.

Growing industry

In recent years the Norwegian data center industry has grown significantly. According to a recent white paper, the industry already contributes to approximately 2,000 jobs, which could grow to more than 11,000 jobs in 2025.

“The white paper shows that Norway has ideal conditions for job creation and activity in local communities where data centers are established. This strategy will contribute to further growth and business development,” Helleland added.

In the years 2019 and 2020, 2.7 billion NOK was invested, and 18 new data centers were established in Norway. In the past year, several new locations have been established. German AQ Compute is building a 5,000 square meter facility in Ringerike municipality.

“Norway makes an ideal location for green and efficient data centers, thanks to a cold climate, 98% electricity supply from renewable sources, the most competitive electricity prices within Europe as well as proactive support from the Norwegian government for the data center segment,” Carl von Hessen of AQ Compute noted.

“In the context of the ever-increasing digitization of our economy, we are convinced that Norway will become a crucial data center hub in Northern Europe. We at AQ Compute are delighted to be part of this development, together with an already well-established data center ecosystem consisting of national and international market stakeholders,” von Hessen emphasized.

More future-oriented jobs

Helleland believes that it is essential that Norway succeed in facilitating sustainable business development throughout the country, which will contribute to more future-oriented jobs.

“We must use Norwegian power resources to develop new green industries in rural areas and attract international investment. Norway has very good prerequisites for increasing our market share within a large international industry,” Helleland said.

“The cooperation between the data center industry and the Norwegian government is good and will be developed further. We see great potential for further growth and want to work together to realize the government’s goal of a sustainable Norwegian data center industry. We invite Norwegian and foreign players throughout the data center value chain to work with us,” Petter Tømmeraas, Chairman of the Board of the Norwegian Data Centre Industry, said.

Source: Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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