Despite the tense security situation between Ukraine and Russia, Norway’s ambassador Erik Svedahl wants to stay in Kyiv – regardless of whether the Russians invade.
“We are willing to be here as long as it is justifiable, as long as our safety is not threatened or anything like that. But we assess the situation continuously according to the security situation and how it develops,” Svedahl told the newspaper VG.
Norwegian citizens have been asked by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) to get out of the country as soon as possible. Several of the staff at the Norwegian embassy have been sent home with their families.
The ambassador told the newspaper that there are just under a hundred Norwegian citizens in the country who registered via, but the number is likely somewhat higher.
Situation in Ukraine
The US embassy said on Monday that it was closing down in Kyiv, and moving temporarily to the city of Lviv in the west of the country. Svedahl says Norway has not made any plans to move the embassy yet.
Despite the attention in the international media, the ambassador describes the situation in Ukraine as remarkably calm and normal.
“It is not very noticeable that we are in this special situation. But we see what is going on, and we are preparing for something to happen,” he told the newspaper.
Source : © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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