Norway’s Armed Forces chief Eirik Kristoffersen says it is positive that the Armed Forces’ former opponents in the Afghanistan war are now being invited to Norway for negotiations.
The Taliban must be held accountable, Kristoffersen emphasizes. On Friday, it became known that Norway has invited the Taliban to negotiations in Norway in the coming days. The Taliban will meet representatives from Norway and other western countries, as well as activists.
“I am very happy that we are talking to those who actually have power in Afghanistan now. Not because we recognize the Taliban as a legitimate government in any way, but because the Afghan people deserve better than what they are experiencing now,” Kristoffersen told NTB.
“All of us who are veterans and have worked in Afghanistan are concerned about the Afghan people. We have put a lot of our heart and soul into that country and think it hurts to see them suffer,” Kristoffersen added.
Norway and the West severed diplomatic ties with Afghanistan when the Taliban seized power in August after capturing Kabul. Norwegian paramedics were among the last western forces to withdraw.
Kristoffersen said he supported having a dialogue with the Taliban and attempts at getting them to take on some responsibility for human rights and women’s rights.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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I would much rather hear from Gen. Kristoffersen about top priority being given to civil defenses/sivillforsvars, considering how the U.S. and our most loyal allies are – by denying them the fair and comprehensive peace and security they need and we owe them after our broken promises – essentially forcing the Russians to start a “major war” in Ukraine which could quickly drag us here into it.
(There is even a column by Mary Deyevsky in British Independent, today, saying we’re forcing the Russians into a war they don’t want.)
Norway will have far less TIME than it did on April 9, 1940.