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Norwegian police drop 60,000-kroner fines for family who crossed border to Sweden to go to the toilet

border crossing with swedenPhoto: Torstein Bøe / NTB

A family that was fined NOK 60,000 after crossing the Swedish border on foot and going to the toilet at a Swedish petrol station does not have to pay the fine.

The family was supposed to appear in Romerike and Glåmdal District Court in mid-October after they refused to pay the corona fines. Now the police have withdrawn the fines, the newspaper Indre Akershus Blad reports.

The family went to Montebello camping on the Norwegian side of the national border at Magnor during a cabin trip. From there, they went for a walk and crossed the Swedish border before using the toilet of a petrol station on the Swedish side.

The family was fined for not showing up at the quarantine hotel after the walk. However, the police have decided not to take the case to court anyway. 

“I have always thought that the case was completely wild. The fact that the case has been dropped has eased the burden on my shoulders enormously,” a member of the family told Indre Akershus Blad.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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