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PHOTO: 13-year-old boy stabbed in Oslo, one suspect apprehended by police

PolicePhoto: Berit Roald / NTB

A 13-year-old boy has been stabbed at Haugerudsenteret in Alna district in Oslo. The police have apprehended one suspect in connection to the crime. 

The police reported the stabbing incident at 7:30 PM on Sunday. 

Immediately after midnight, the Oslo Police District’s operations center announced that the police apprehended the suspected perpetrator.

“It’s a boy,” operations manager Sven Christian Lie told news bureau NTB.

The 13-year-old victim was stabbed in the stomach. The boy was not life-threateningly injured.

Photo: Berit Roald / NTB

“His condition is stable”

“As far as I know, his condition is stable, but in any case, a stab wound is serious,” the operations manager added.

Around 15 people are said to have been seen running from the place.

“For the time being, we believe that we have control over the person who carried out the attack, but the investigation continues,” Lie concluded.

Photo: Berit Roald / NTB

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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