Police warn Norwegian companies: Don’t fall for “director” scams

Christina RoothPhoto: Tore Meek / NTB

Director scams pose an increasing threat and have become more targeted and successful, the police, DNB, and Telenor warn.

Director scams involve fraudsters pretending to be the company’s management and asking employees to transfer money to their accounts. It is by far the most lucrative form of fraud in the world, Telenor writes.

According to the police, 13% of Norwegian companies were exposed to the scam in 2019.

“In recent years, the scammers have become even more professional, and they use more sophisticated methods, such as data hacking,” Christina Thomassen Rooth of the Oslo police noted.

She says the scam can affect both small and large businesses. Associations and sports clubs are also potential targets.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "Police warn Norwegian companies: Don’t fall for “director” scams"

  1. Please don’t fall for this..These are thieves, scumbags! You are educated than scammers. Check it trillion times legally if it’s true otherwise send them ZERO/NOTHING! Use your head.

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