Psychiatrist Randi Rosenqvist has carried out psychiatric assessments of terrorist Anders Behring Breivik several times but says that there are no significant changes from previous assessments.
Rosenqvist has assessed Anders Behring Breivik at least seven times since he was arrested for the terrorist attacks in Oslo and on Utøya on July 22, 2011. When Breivik’s request for parole starts next week, the psychiatrist will present another assessment of the now 42-year-old man.
Rosenqvist told the newspaper Aftenposten on Friday that the new assessment is not significantly different, or changed, from the last publicly known assessment made in December 2016.
At the time, Rosenqvist warned the court against trusting Breivik’s assurances that he was no longer violent. She called him a pragmatist who changed according to the situation around him.
In the assessment, the psychiatrist recommended that Breivik be closely observed after the trial and warned that lack of interest from the media over a longer period of time could increase the risk of new serious acts of violence.
In the case that is now to be tried in court, Breivik is expected to restate that he is no longer violent, which he also said during the trial in 2017.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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