Several thousand liters of oil leaked into Horten

Oil spill in Horten.Photo: Statnett / NTB scanpix

Up to 2,500 liters of cable oil has leaked into the ground at the Statnett plant in Horten. The company strongly regrets the incident.


The leakage is expected to have taken place over the past 14 days, Statnett said in a press release on Monday.

The first leak of the plant was discovered on August 10, and a smaller leak was found this past weekend.

– On Monday morning oil was observed in the sea, and lenses were quickly laid out to prevent oil from spreading further from the ground to the sea. In connection with working to find and stop a possible new leak, it was discovered that the scope was far greater than initially assumed. It is reasonable to assume that large parts of oil have seeped into the ground, Statnett writes.

The company states that a thorough check has been carried out and there should be no more leaks at the facility. The consequences are so far unknown. Cable oil is relatively thin and comparable to diesel fuel.

“Statnett strongly regrets the incident and has taken measures to avoid repetition and limit the amount of damage.”


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