People do drugs in the hunt for the summer body

Summer body, Photo:

Men take steroids in the hunt for the summer body

The police believe the desire for the perfect summer body is the reason why many men use anabolic steroids.


The last half year are 30 members in the major fitness chains in Kristiansand caught for doping, writes Fædrelandsvennen. All men are between the ages of 19 and 43. They were discovered in a comprehensive action by the Agder police against the training centres in the last six months.

– These are common men from all levels of society. They use doping as a shortcut to get the so-called summer body in 2017, says Håkon Storesund, head of the drug section at Kristiansand Police Station.

In the action, the police seized syringes with anabolic steroids. Use of anabolic steroids can have major effects, both physical and mental: Serious depression, very high level of aggression and problems with having children.

Change in use

Jahn Olav Marum, General Manager at Spicheren, confirms the police’s information about changes in usage. Spicheren is the regions largest training centre.

– It has changed a lot in recent years. In the past, this was probably mostly a problem in the bodybuilding and power lifting environment, he says.

– Now the preparations are taken in completely different contexts: both to get slimmer, to endure more exercise and to get more defined muscles. Not necessarily more muscle volume, says Marum.


© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today