The parliamentary and cultural committee announced on Tuesday that the second part of the support of the Islamic Council of Norway (IRN) should not be paid. The committee’s recommendation was unanimous.
The annual state aid to the Islamic Council has been 1.3 million kroner, and is paid twice a year.
The payment the IRN should have received in July was frozen by the Ministry of Culture earlier this year, and has now been stopped.
‘I am pleased that the committee has reached a rapid agreement on this issue so that funds can be distributed to organisations that conduct religious dialogue, which was the purpose,’ said committee chairman, Tone Wilhelmsen Trøen of Høyre (H).
The government has, among other things, justified the cut in support as the Islamic Council no longer received the necessary trust, and they didn’t meet the terms of support.
Islamic Council Norway (IRN) complained on November the 20th this year about the Ministry of Culture’s decision to cut state aid to the organisation.
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