Survey: Two out of three Norwegians think the government has handled the electricity crisis badly 

ElectricityPhoto: Heiko Junge / NTB

According to a poll published in the newspaper Klassekampen, two out of three respondents said that they think the government has handled the electricity crisis very poorly or rather poorly.

The survey, which was carried out by Sentio for Klassekampen, shows that 44% of the respondents believe that the government has handled the high electricity prices very poorly, while 22% of the respondents reply that the handling of the crisis has been rather poor.

Klassekampen has contacted all of the Labor Party’s (AP) mayors in Agder and Rogaland to get comments on the survey. Several say they stand behind the results.

Sandnes Mayor Stanley Wirak (AP) told the newspaper that he would answer “rather poorly” in the opinion poll.

In a similar survey carried out by Respons Analyze for the newspaper VG, 57% responded that they believe the government has handled the electricity crisis “very poorly” (30%) or “rather poorly.”

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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