The Norwegian Association of the Blind hopes that more restaurants will introduce menus in Braille

Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB

The restaurant chain Egon is launching its menus in Braille on Braille Day, January 4. The Association of the Blind and their youth organization hope more restaurants will do the same.

According to the Norwegian Association of the Blind’s youth organization (NBfU), many blind and partially sighted people are reluctant to go to a restaurant because they cannot read the menu themselves.

“If we are to have an equal society, more information must be available in Braille. Restaurants are an important social meeting place. Being able to read the menu without help from others makes you feel included and equal,” the organization’s leader Silje Solvang stated in a press release.

January 4 is the UN’s International Day of Braille. The Association of the Blind and their youth organization want to ensure that menus in Braille are available at all restaurants.

A new effort

Among other things, they have approached the Egon restaurant chain.

“We have had our menu in seven different languages ​​all these years, and we have thought for some time that it would be nice to have the menu in Braille. 

“Now we have it, and it is great that the NBfU took the initiative to make the menu (in Braille) available in all our restaurants,” Ståle Nøst, head of the marketing department at Egon Restaurants, stated.

The NBfU has received NOK 300,000 for a project where restaurants and cafes can contact the organization and get their menu translated into Braille free of charge.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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