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The Progress Party wants to send Norwegian police to Ukraine’s borders

Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB

Norwegian personnel from the National Police Immigration Service (Politiets utlendingsenhet) and the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) can help improve control at Ukraine’s borders and protect refugees from abuse, the Progress Party (FRP) believes.

The party proposes that Norway spend NOK 5 billion on assistance to Ukraine’s neighboring countries and that personnel from the National Police Immigration Service and the Directorate of Immigration be sent to the border areas, for example, in Poland.

That could ensure better border control so that the authorities have control over who is admitted, as well as protect refugees from abuse by human traffickers or others, the FRP believes.

“They can assist with the registration of refugees. Today, there are many people with dishonest intentions who pick up refugees along the border,” the FRP’s immigration policy spokesman Erlend Wiborg told NTB.


Wiborg believes Norwegian personnel at the border can help make it more difficult for human traffickers to transport people without being caught.

He refers, among other things, to police director Benedicte Bjørnland’s recent statements in the newspaper Dagbladet. There, she expresses concern that Ukrainian refugees are being trafficked.

“We believe there is an increased risk of that (trafficking). Without going into detail, we know that women and girls are vulnerable to exploitation – in working life, such as cleaning professions and food preparation, but also begging and prostitution,” Bjørnland told Dagbladet.

Wiborg believes the government must take action.

“I share Bjørnland’s concerns, and now the government must take immediate action and stop the chaotic conditions we see. The government must stop considering measures, now is the time for action,” the FRP politician said.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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