UDI plans shanty towns for 1,000 asylum seekers, tent camps and floating reception centers if the forecasts of new waves of tens of thousands of new asylum seekers are coming true.
The Directorate of Immigration (UDI) is about to put the finishing touches on its new big crisis plan which will be presented this month. In 2016 it is expected that 33,000 asylum seekers may be come to the country, but contingency plans to account for 60,000 are in place.
Last week only 48 asylum seekers arrived, yet we know that 100,000 refugees are pressing against border fences further south in Europe. Therefore works UDI feverishly on planning for a new influx of ayslum applicants, Aftenposten writes.
– We are planning for two main scenarios. One is consistent with the normal seasonal variation over the last eight to ten years when there was increase from spring into autumn. The second scenario is based on the experience from last year, when arrivals rapidly increased in August and we got a peak in October and November, Knut Berntsen, section leader of UDI’s regional and receiving division, said .
Among the plans that UDI has been working on this winter, is to at short notice create tent camps for up to 500 people and walled shanty towns for 1,000 asylum seekers. Other plans include the conversion of former industrial and office buildings and the purchase of spaces on everything from ship to fallow hotels.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today