Vaccination of people with developmental disabilities prioritized differently from municipality to municipality

VaccinationPhoto: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

Municipalities across the country interpret the national vaccination rules differently when it comes to people with developmental disabilities.

The National Institute of Public Health’s (FHI) list of diseases includes only somatic diseases and not mental disorders or various forms of developmental disabilities, newspaper Klassekampen writes.

In Bergen, the City Council has decided to follow the FHI’s position but vaccinates staff who work with those who have developmental disabilities.

In Trondheim and Stovner in Oslo, for example, priority has been given to vaccinating people with developmental disabilities and the personnel who work with them.

According to the newspaper, residents in care homes have been prioritized on an equal footing with people in the age group 85 years and older people aged 75–84 years. Developmentally disabled people without underlying diseases are thus not given priority.

The Joint Organization of the Disabled (FFO) believes that the cognitive function level should be used as a basis for higher vaccine prioritization.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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